Technology 9 ways founders can bring automation to healthcare Vignesh Chandramouli Contributor Vignesh Chandramouli, a partner at Oak HC/FT, focuses on growth equity and…
Technology 6 reasons why you should use OpenAPI specification for your APIs If the term “API Specification” seems intimidating for newbie developers, take comfort in the fact that the idea is…
Technology Accelerated WAN Transformation During Pandemic, According to EMA Research A majority of enterprises have accelerated their SD-WAN-based transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic,…
Technology AI Processor Maker Graphcore raises $222M in Series E Funding Round Graphcore, maker of an Intelligence Processing Unit which is a new type of microprocessor specifically…
Technology Telehouse America NYIIX Internet Exchange Exceeds 1 Tbps Peak Traffic Colocation provider Telehouse’s New York NYIIX International Peering Exchange has achieved a milestone by…
Technology Connected2Fiber Helps US Signal Plan Midwest Fiber Builds US Signal, a Midwest data center provider offering connectivity, cloud hosting, colocation, data protection,…
Technology Dell’Oro Group: SD-WAN Market Growth Will Accelerate in 2021 “The pandemic caused some delays in SD-WAN deployments in 2020, but the underlying demand drivers for…
Technology If the Black Crowes Adapted to Ecommerce During the Pandemic, So Can You July 21, 2020 8 min read It's no secret that the Black Crowes — helmed on and off for the past three decades…
Technology Study: U.S. Enterprises Rapidly Adopting SDN to Move Networks to the Cloud Enterprises in the U.S. are rapidly adopting software-defined networking (SDN) and network function…
Technology HPE Acquires SD-WAN Provider Silver Peak for $925 Million in Cash Hewlett Packard Enterprise (NYSE:HPE) has acquired SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network) provider, Silver…