Cloud AWS cuts in half the price of most of its Lightsail virtual private servers AWS Lightsail, which launched in 2016, is Amazon’s answer to the rise of Digital Ocean, OVH and other affordable…
Cloud Microsoft shifts it focus from Mobile-first Cloud-first world towards the… Microsoft at its build 2017 conference revealed its vision of the future workplace that will run with the power of…
Cloud Microsoft to Aid MSPs and Cloud Providers to Gain in New Era of Digital… The 2017 Microsoft Cloud and Hosting Summit that is being held in Bellevue, Washington, is attended by nearly 500…
Cloud Major Outage Downs Microsoft Cloud Services Microsoft’s web services were hit by a major outage on Tuesday afternoon. The outage caused its services – Xbox…
Cloud Linode challenges DigitalOcean with its new $5 instances Linode has been in the virtual private server (VPS) game for longer than most, but in recent years, companies like…
Cloud .ME to Hold Startup Competition Together With; Winner Will Exhibit in… The .ME Registry today announced that it is holding the Startup Competition together with, a…
Cloud Aquilent Launches New Cloud Resource Management Portal: Olympus Powered by… Aquilent today announced launch of its Cloud Resource Management Portal, Olympus Powered by Aquilent. The…
Cloud “We Provide Constant Visibility Into a Company’s Cloud Spending”- Mat Ellis,… Self-service, one of the greatest features cloud computing, makes lives of enterprises jumping on the cloud…
Cloud TechStars Graduate DigitalOcean Switches To SSD For Its $5 Per Month VPS To Take… DigitalOcean is a cloud hosting solution for small developers, looking for a cheap virtual private server to…